We at dofhouse have been working on a NEW demo for our game Project: AMICA, we hope that this demo will showcase a bit better on our overall vision. We're still missing a few key features as well as the core gameplay loop which we hope we'll be able to share with you all soon enough!

This demo was made specifically for the SAGA (Skövde Academic Game Award) jury since we've gotten nominated for the award!! We're super happy and will be fixing a few things for the upcoming Sweden Game Conference 2024 held in Skövde 2-4 October, where you'll get the test out the game with some minor changes and be able to speak with us and many other cool developers at the event. We hope to see you there!

In the mean time, we'll be looking for investment or publishers who might be interested in helping us get this game finished, as well as flesh out the new map which consists of 3 different routes. For this demo, only one of the routes are available for the player. But check out the size of the map!


  • Added New Map (Still WIP)
  • Added New Weapon (Heat Cannon)
  • Added New HUD


  • Redesigned certain SFX
  • Tweaks to overall gameplay
  • Blaster (Shotgun) spread is tighter
  • Removed old Map
  • Disabled Hub World
  • Changes to the main/pause menu
  • Disabled Save and Load functionality
  • Added "Warning" text in options menu (Certain changes in the options menu might break the game)


ProjectAmicaDemo.zip 76 MB
13 days ago

Get Project: AMICA (Demo)

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